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Point System

Points are awarded for each completed flight receiving an ‘Approved’ designation.

The number of points you earn will depend on several factors – as you can see from the categories and points awards in the chart below.

Approved Rejected Diverted

The criteria for an Approved flight are:

  • You completed a flight from your planned departure airport to your planned arrival airport; and,

  • The Company’s Landing Rate Standard – a landing rate equal to or softer than -800 fpm was achieved

All points, flight hours and pay are awarded.


The PIREP is posted to your Logbook as being Completed | Approved.

The criteria for a Rejected flight are:

  • The Company’s Landing Rate Standard – a landing rate equal to or softer than -801 fpm was exceeded; and/or,

  • The total points awarded for your flight equals -15 or more.

  • Your flight time was 00:00 hours (premature landing); and/or,

  • You used more fuel than you left the airport with (in-flight refueling); and/or,

  • You did not fly with a Walker Air Transport livery.

No points, flight hours or pay are awarded.


The PIREP is posted to the your Logbook as being Completed | Rejected.

The criteria for a Diverted flight are:

  • You completed a flight from your planned departure airport to an unplanned arrival airport;

  • The Company’s Landing Rate Standard – a landing rate equal to or softer than -800 fpm was achieved.

All points, flight hours and pay are awarded.


If this occurs when flying a Tour leg, you will not be advanced to the next leg. The leg will have to be reflown.


The PIREP is posted to your Logbook as being Completed | Diverted.


Points are calculated based on log entries from the ACARS client. If your client fails to record all the entries we require you may lose out on points. Flight Operations is unable to modify your log file.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has a habit of not registering pilots in 'Cruise' phase due to how their altitude is determined. This will impact your log record, please click here to read our FAQ item on this in order to ensure you get proper points awarded.

Category Points How is it determined?
Completed Flight +5  
Per Hour of Flight +1  
Per 50 Nautical Miles of Flight +1  
Completed 20-Minute Pre-Flight +3 Pre-flight time is calculated between the log entries 'Now boarding' and 'Pushing back'.
Flaps Position Set Takeoff
+1 Takeoff flaps are determined by log entry 'Flaps set to' that occur before the log entry 'Taking off'.
Flaps Position Set Landing

Landing flaps are determined by log entry 'Flaps set to' that occur after the log entry 'Approaching'. The 'Approaching' log entry will not occur if you are not properly in cruise phase. Please read note above regarding MSFS 2020 and/or ensure you know how to properly use the ACARS application to set your correct cruise level.

Exceed 250kts under 10,000 ft for more than 2 minutes

Only applicable when aircraft MTOW is less than 300,000lbs (136,077kgs).

-5 Aircraft that have an MTOW less than 300,000lbs (136,077kgs). You can view the MTOW of our fleet by visiting Company > Fleet in CrewOps and viewing the MTOW column.


Only deducted once regardless of number of instances of overspeeding

-2 Log indicates 'Overspeed'.

Time Compression


Log indicates 'Simulation rate set to'.


A 15% penalty will be assessed against the total number of points earned for that flight.


46 points earned – 7 point penalty (.15 × 46) = 39 points awarded.

Bonus Multiplier

  The bonus multiplier helps equalize flights in all Fleet aircraft regardless of distance flown and/or cruising speed by using a proprietary algorithm and applying it to those with cruise speeds of 250kts or less and cruise speeds between 251kts and 400kts.

Pilots Home Airport


You departed from or arrived at your Hub airport.

The MTOW for the aircraft you are flying can be found at Company > Fleet.
This is the value we use to determine the group below you will receive points from.

Landing Rate MTOW less than
MTOW more than
-800 fpm to -701 fpm -8 -4
-700 fpm to -601 fpm -6 -2
-600 fpm to -501 fpm -4 +1
-500 fpm to -401 fpm -2 +2
-400 fpm to -300 fpm +1 +4
-300 fpm to -201 fpm +2 +5
-200 fpm to -151 fpm +3 +5
-150 fpm +100 +100
-149 fpm to -101 fpm +4 +3
-100 fpm to 0 fpm +5 +2
image-1692545978892.png If you happen to be lucky enough to land the illustrious -150fpm. You will be awarded with our super special "BUTTER!" badge and 100 points! Now, we must state for legal reasons that a -150fpm is not the holy grail landing you need to aim for in every single aircraft. Doing this can result in gear breakage, spoilers not activating, autobrakes sitting around, and well, the plane not working right. We warned you!

Here are some examples illustrating how these category points factor into each completed flight.

1 2 3
image-1638202067020.png image-1638202135807.png image-1638202249779.png

If you think your flight was graded incorrectly – or – you'd like to ask a question, submit a Help Ticket.