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Code of Conduct

Being a Walker Air Transport Pilot is more than just flying and logging hours – it’s how you:

  • connect with your fellow Company Pilots;
  • portray yourself – and the way your actions reflect upon us when flying in Air Traffic Control (ATC) simulation networks (IVAO, PilotEdge, POSCON and VATSIM) or posting in social media; and,
  • interact with others in the flight simulation community at large.

We're very proud of our organization and the reputation we've built. It’s important to us, therefore, to always be known as a professional and highly-respected virtual airline.

We're also a global community rich in cultural and geographic diversity – our pilots come from all walks of life and reside in countries throughout the world, all of us united by a shared passion for flying.

As a result, we continually strive to be welcoming, supportive and accommodating of all people. Everyone, we believe, deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, tolerance and civility. 


Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct outlines the expectations we have regarding your behavior towards others within our company and the flight simulation community at large.

We promote the freedom of ideas, expression and open communication; however, we also expect you to follow our Code of Conduct when interacting with others while in the company Discord – and when using the company's assets in any Air Traffic Control (ATC) simulation network and/or representing us in social media.

From time to time, we understand there will be differences in opinions, viewpoints and/or perspectives when interacting with others. We readily acknowledge these differences and encourage active debate and/or discussion around them as long as our values are consistently upheld.

At all times when interacting with others, therefore, you shall:

  • treat everyone with courtesy, civility and respect;
  • maintain a professional demeanor;
  • think before you act;
  • exercise good judgment and manners;
  • use the Walker livery – on all aircraft and at all times unless a member of the Patreon program, under which you follow the amended guidelines under said program – when using our ACARS-driven Flight Data System;
  • not discuss religion, sex, politics or any other topics commonly known to be controversial;
  • not harass or threaten anyone;
  • not insult or make derogatory comments about anyone;
  • not use offensive, defamatory or threatening language;
  • not engage in immature or situationally-inappropriate behavior;
  • not disrupt the harmony and camaraderie of the company Discord;
  • not troll Walker pilots or others in the Flight Simulation community;
  • not share the private information of other Walker pilots with anyone without their express consent;
  • not advertise another virtual airline (unless formally authorized in writing to do so by the Business Office);
  • not discuss, reference and/or provide links to sites or locations holding/hosting illegal (pirated) software;
  • not upload or distribute malicious material that may harm another pilot’s computer and/or electronic device(s); and,
  • not post pornographic links or materials.

In order to ensure these behavior standards are maintained by all Walker pilots and staff, we have formalized them by creating and implementing this Code of Conduct.


Should you be found to have violated any tenant of this Code of Conduct, you may, depending on the severity of the violation(s) and at the discretion of the Business Office, be subject to any/all of the Disciplinary Action steps noted below, up to and including termination.

However, if the Business Office determines your violation is of a grave enough nature, whether in matter, intent or effect, the BO reserves the right to skip the warning and reprimand stages and merit your actions with immediate termination from Walker Air Transport. 

Violation Stage Action Steps
First Warning with corrective action(s) required to alleviate the offending behavior(s).
Second Reprimand; a reduction in the accumulated earnings a pilot has received in the most recent twenty-five (25) flights and a reduction in the total points a pilot has accumulated in the most recent twenty-five (25) flights.
Third Termination from Walker Air Transport and a permanent ban from the company Discord.

 The decision of the Business Office is final. Appeals are not permitted.


And a final point…

Always be respectful towards your fellow Pilots, Marshallers and Business Office Staff. Remember – in order to receive the respect of others, you must show respect to them.

If, for any reason, you can’t accept the tenants of our Code of Conduct and agree to comport yourself in the manners prescribed, submit a Help Ticket.